: ราคาหุ้น THBEV

3rd Asian Excellence Recognition Awards 2013

Typing Error

Back Oct 27, 2006
We refer to our announcement yesterday in relation to the acquisition of Pacific Spirits (UK) Limited and Best Spirits Co., Ltd. There was a typing error in 7th line of 2nd paragraph of our letter dated October 25, 2006. In this regard, the word "million" was missing, therefore, 3rd sentence of such paragraph should read as follows.

"In this connection, our Executive Board of Directors, through Meeting No.8/2549 held on October 20, 2006 has approved that we, through our affiliate company, Inter Bev Holdings Limited, acquire PSUK at S$62.5 million which is less than the contracted price of S$71.9 million and BSHK at S$1.1 million which is the contracted price and less than the NAV of BSHK as derived by the due diligence report within October 31, 2006."

Note: Deutsche Bank AG, Singapore Branch, J.P. Morgan (S.E.A.) Limited and Merrill Lynch (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. were the issue managers, joint global co-ordinators and bookrunners of the Combined Offering and Singapore lead underwriters in respect of 4,888,900,000 shares of the Company pursuant to the prospectus issued by the Company dated 19 May 2006.